In 2015, the Société contributed a total of 53.5 million in the form of taxes, rents, permits, compensation and royalties to the City of Montréal, representing a $1.2 million (2%) increase over 2014. Moreover, on-street parking revenue remained stable at $62.9 million in 2015. Lastly, the Société was able to refund the entirety of its initial long-term debt of $40 million through its final $12 million instalment in January 2016.
P$ Mobile Service
The P$ Mobile Service remote payment app’s success has been consistently growing since its launch in 2012. Its popularity has increased considerably, with this new payment method representing over 40% of total income during 2015’s closing weeks.
In order to further contribute to user satisfaction, the Société has once again reduced the service fees pertaining to on-street parking space payments this year, this time from $0.30 to $0.20, as of June 1, 2015.
For more information on the Société’s other projects, please refer to its 2015 Annual Report.