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Procurement and call for tenders

1. Procurement policy and contract management regulations

Under the Charter of Ville de Montréal, Metropolis of Québec (CQLR, ch. C-11.4), the Agence de mobilité durable de Montréal (the “Agence”) must have a procurement policy and a contract management regulations that shall apply to all contracts referred to in section 573.3.1.2 of the Cities and Towns Act (CQLR, ch. C-19) and whose content will vary depending on the contract type. These policies applies to all stakeholders involved in any awarding or management procedure leading to a contract, for the purchasing of goods, services or professional services or for the execution of work, etc.

2. Awarding of contract

a. Contracts worth at least $25,000

The Agence de mobilité durable de Montréal shall publish a list of all contracts involving an expenditure of over $25,000 on the Government of Québec-endorsed Système électronique d’appel d’offres (SEAO) and keep it updated. The list is available on the website at the following link.

b. Contracts with a single supplier, each worth at least $2,000 and adding up to more than $25,000

In accordance with section 477.6 par. 2 of the Cities and Towns Act, every year the Agence compiles a list of all contracts involving an expenditure of over $2,000 entered into with a same contracting party during the previous full fiscal year, when the expenditures of all these contracts combined total over $25,000 for that same contracting party. Since January 1, 2020, existing contracts awarded by Stationnement de Montréal have been transferred to the Agence.

View Stationnement de Montréal's list to learn more
pdf2019 LIST [French only] 

View the Agence de mobilité durable de Montréal's list to learn more
pdf2020 LIST [French only]
pdf2021 LIST [French only]
pdf2022 LIST [French only]
pdf2023 LIST [French only]

3. Receipt and review mechanism for complaints made in the course of the awarding or allocation of a contract

 a. Lodging of a complaint with the Agence in the course of a tendering process (for contracts of $100,000 and over):

New provisions of the Act respecting the Autorité des marchés publics (CQLR, ch. A-33.2.1) (AAMP) came into force on May 25, 2019.

The Autorité des marchés publics (AMP) has devised a form for complaints against public institutions and municipalities. Any business seeking to submit a complaint to the Agence de mobilité durable de Montréal about a public call for tender (for contracts of $100,000 and over) must use this form.

b. Submission of a complaint or expression of interest in the allocation of a contract by mutual agreement to a single supplier (for contracts of $100,000 and over):

A notice of intention (NI) must be submitted on the SEAO at least 15 days before the projected contract date for contracts by mutual agreement with a single supplier (covered by the AAMP). Interested businesses that are able to meet the need can express their interest or file a complaint about the tendering process.

Before submitting a complaint, businesses are encouraged to contact the person responsible for the call for tender named in the tendering documents for any questions, requests for substitution or requests for clarification.

c. Complaint admissibility criteria:
A complaint may be reviewed by the assigned resource person under the following conditions:
      • It is sent by an interested person.
      • It is sent electronically to the assigned resource person.
      • It is submitted on the AMP form in accordance with Article 45 AAMP.
      • It is received by email by the assigned resource person no later than the closing date of the call for tenders, as indicated in the SEAO.
      • It is about a tendered contract.
      • It is about the content of tendering documents available in the SEAO no later than two (2) days before the deadline for filing a complaint.
      • It is based on any of the following grounds pertaining to tendering documents:
        1. They fail to ensure all competing bidders are treated fairly and transparently.
        2. They prevent certain qualified bidders from participating.
        3. They fail to comply with  the Agence de mobilité durable de Montréal’s normative framework.
d. Making a complaint

Each complaint must be submitted in accordance with the form established by the Autorité des marchés publics, available on the Internet site of the Inspecteur général de la Ville de Montréal at

Once you have completed the form, send it to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

e. After filing a complaint:

If you disagree with the Agence de mobilité durable de Montréal’s decision, you are entitled to file a complaint with the Bureau de l’Inspecteur Général de Montréal within three days of the date you received the decision. You can also file a complaint with the BIG if you have not received the Agence de mobilité durable de Montréal’s decision within three days of the closing of the call for tenders.
pdfFull mechanism [French only]

4. Contact us

If you have any questions about a call for tenders, please contact Procurement at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..