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Montréal, le 2 avril 2020 - Today, Montréal administratively suspended its annual 25 cent per hour indexation on parking meter rates that came into force yesterday. Parking meters will be adjusted over the next few days. This suspension will be effective during the non-essential activity cessation declared by the government of Québec.

The annual indexation of parking meters, which was announced in the fall budget, is set out in the by-law concerning tariffs which, if changes are to be made, must be passed twice by city council. The city decided to administratively suspend this increase to avoid waiting two months to apply this exceptional measure. The city and its employees demonstrate each day their ability to adapt quickly to the situation and that they are actively listening to residents. 

Also today, the city offered 150 metered spaces free of charge to healthcare workers to facilitate travel for them. 

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Source : Ville de Montréal