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Financial statements for Accesum Inc. and the Société en commandite Stationnement de Montréal for the financial year ending December 31, 2009, were made public today. Stationnement de Montréal’s mission is to ensure the optimal management of paid parking, both on- and off-street, in order to encourage economic activity in the City.

The chairman of the Board of Accesum Inc. and the Société, Mr. Rémi Racine, was pleased to announce that all mandates entrusted to the Société were successfully carried out, and that the organization also achieved its objectives regarding current operations. “These very encouraging results from 2009 prove that the Société is very well managed and that it was able to rise to the challenge of all the mandates entrusted to it by the City. Certainly these results allow us to envision a very promising future for the Société, “ Mr. Racine was proud to declare.

These mandates, entrusted to the Société by the City of Montréal, come from the guidelines laid out in its transportation plan Réinventer Montréal, hailed by all of Montréal’s intervening parties (stakeholders?). The fundamental objective of this plan, which aims to maximize the efficiency of travel in the City, is to make Montréal a model for modern urban transport. To do this, the Société put in place several measures, among them encouraging the use of credit cards, reducing collection points, as well as making major modifications to the counting area to allow it to function better.

As well, the Société, made a user-focused change over the past year, an initiative to which all employees contribute daily. For example, the 1,500 pay stations deployed throughout City territory are also points of sale that continuously provide essential information. They allow us to find out everything from the frequency and hours of use to the rotation rate for each parking space. This information can subsequently be used to improve service to users.

From a financial perspective, it should be noted that the Société remitted a total of $42.5 million to the City in 2009. Since its foundation in 1995, the Société has paid the City $281.7 million in addition to the initial payment of $56.8 million, for a grand total of $338.5 million.

Fonds Ville-Marie, which devotes its resources to running the Student Business project that encourages young people to stay in school, was paid royalties of $0.6 million for the year (since 1995, the Société has paid $7.4 million to Fonds Ville-Marie). As well, a sum of $0.3 million was paid to the Investment Fund of the Société for the replacement of parking equipment, without forgetting that, following the modification of accounting principles, the Société proceeded to write off its start-up costs, an adjustment amounting to $1.7 million.

Let us mention in closing that the Société also achieved its objective of maximizing Quebec content, having throughout the year counted on the experience and expertise of suppliers from different regions of the province. In this way, the Société has contributed to the economic success of enterprises here.

> Read 2009 Financial Report